
Word cloud with keywords of the project.

To foster responsible evaluation of research and researchers, Europe needs a vision, roadmap and data infrastructures for creating FAIR research data as well as making the data about research activities and merits FAIR.

Finnish Scholarly Publishing Conference 2020

Finnish Scholarly Publishing Conference (Tiedejulkaisemisen päivät) will take place as a webinar on 8 October 2020. The theme of this year's conference is "Multiform, multilingual - Accessible" (Monimuotoisesti, monikielisesti - saavutettavasti).


Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the JUFO levels, publication types and the use of the classification.


Members of the scientific community can participate in the Publication Forum classification by proposing new publication channels to be added to the classification and by proposing changes to the level of rated publication channels.